Photo usage Consent

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I grant Tuine Sport Klub / Grizzlies Waterpark permission and give my consent to the Releasee for the use of the photograph(s) or electronic media images taken at Grizzlies Waterpark for presentation under any legal use.

I understand that the images may appear on the website / Facebook managed or owned by Tuine Sport Klub / Grizzlies Waterpark and any other publication or broadcasts, including advertisements, leaflets, posters.

The photos shall be limited to use for promotion of the Waterpark, Grizzlies Restaurant & Tuine Spot Klub, and will not be used for any other purposes or sold to any third party.

We will not include personal details or negative advertising on our marketing/promotional materials.

Copyright of photographs taken belongs to Tuine Sport Klub / Grizzlies Waterpark.

This Authorization shall be valid for 2 years after which the photos will be archived / destroyed, except for photos published on Facebook that will that remain in effect indefinitely

The subject or legal parents or guardian can request for the photos to be removed under reasonable circumstances per email to,. A copy of this disclaimer can be requested by email.

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